Toward the close of the nineteenth century, many scientists thought that physics was virtually a closed book. As Sir William Cecil Dampier wrote in A History of Science: It seemed as though the main framework had been put together once and for all, and that little remained to be done but to measure physical constants to the increased accuracy represented by another decimal point.
¹ Yet, the beginnings of a profound revolution were already brewing—a revolution which would change drastically how scientists and philosophers would view the structure of the universe. In just one short generation the theories of relativity and quanta changed physics and its dependent sciences more comprehensively than had ever occurred before. The present chapter summarizes some of the early work which led to modern quantum mechanics and some of its more important applications to chemistry.
When a solid is heated to some temperature T, it emits radiation (of which visible light is one specific example). Experiments show that the radiation consists of a spread of different wavelengths, each wavelength generally appearing with a different intensity. Normally, each temperature is characterized by a given radiation wavelength whose energy density is higher than that of radiation of either higher or lower wavelengths; i.e., the energy of the radiation exhibits a maximum value for some particular frequency, and such maxima occur at different frequencies for different temperatures. Figure 1-1 shows how the energy density varies with wavelength for several different temperatures. This figure represents the radiation emitted by an idealized material known as a blackbody—a hypothetical material which absorbs all incident radiation and is also a perfect emitter of this radiation. For experimental purposes, an acceptable blackbody may be approximated by an enclosed cavity, the walls of which are kept at some temperature T and which have a small hole in one side. The blackbody radiation shown at 5700 °C is very close to that emitted by our sun; most of the emitted radiation falls within that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum known as visible light [approximately 400 to 700 nanometers (nm)].
The spectral shape of blackbody radiation at three different temperatures. The curve at 5700 °C closely resembles the emissive behavior of the sun. The 1700 °C curve represents a body that emits primarily infrared radiation.
Although many renowned physicists tried to provide a theoretical explanation of the details of blackbody radiation, none of the attempts based on classical mechanics succeeded. Nevertheless, it was known that the emitted energy obeyed a relationship of the general form
The appearance of the variable x originates in the Wien displacement law
an expression which the German physicist Wilhelm Wien managed to derive using classical methods. Here λmax represents that predominant wavelength for which the energy density of the blackbody emission is a maximum. However, all attempts by Wien and his contemporaries to obtain an explicit mathematical form for the function F(x) by the use of classical mechanics failed. In particular, all classical attempts to account for the spectral shape of blackbody radiation predicted what is often called the ultraviolet catastrophe; i.e.,
This means that classical theory could not account for the appearance of a maximum in the spectral distribution.
In 1900 the German thermodynamicist Max Planck obtained an empirical form for F(x):
where k is Boltzmann's constant (the ideal gas constant R divided by Avogadro's number) and β is an empirical constant (of unknown significance at this point). Planck then proceeded to derive Eq. (1-3) by making some unconventional assumptions about the nature of the blackbody emitter. Since Planck's original approach remains somewhat unclear even to this day, and since Planck himself subsequently modified his assumptions several times, only those ideas which have remained essentially unmodified to this day are given here. Basically, Planck treated the blackbody as a collection of isotropic oscillators capable of interacting with electromagnetic radiation, each oscillator having a vibrational frequency v. Planck then proposed two new nonclassical ideas:
1.Each of the oscillators has a discrete set of possible energy values given by
where n = 0, 1, 2,.. . , and h is a constant independent of blackbody composition.² Unlike in classical mechanics (which would allow ∈n to have a continuum of values) Planck's formula implies that the energy of a blackbody oscillator is quantized, i.e., exists as packets, bundles, or quanta of size hv.
2.The emission and absorption of radiation are associated with transitions, or jumps, between two different energy levels.
Each emission or absorption involves loss or gain of a quantum of radiant energy of magnitude hv, v being the frequency of the radiation absorbed or emitted.
Planck also imposed the requirement that the entropy and the energy must be related by the relationship dS = dE/T, where (by the second law of thermodynamics) T must be the same for all radiation frequencies. He then calculated the average energy of an oscillator, using Eq. (1-4) and classical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, to show that the constant β in F(x) was simply h/k so that
The constant h (now called Planck's constant) has the dimensions of action (energy × time) and is sometimes called the quantum of action. It also has the dimensions of angular momentum. The modem numerical value of Planck's constant is 6.626196 × 10−34 J ⋅ s. Although Planck spent most of his life believing that the assumption of Eq. (1-4) was fundamentally incorrect and only fortuitously led to a successful blackbody equation, we now know that the constant h is a fundamental constant related to all dynamic discontinuities in nature, especially evident on the atomic and subatomic scale.
1-1.Verify Eq. (1-5) using the following information: the average energy of an oscillator is given by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics as
You will also need the relationships (1 − y)−1 = 1 + y + y² + y³ + . . . and (1 − y)−2 = l + 2y + 3y² + 4y³ + . . ..
1-2.Show that
where a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant given by
The final result was derived classically in 1884 by Boltzmann; it shows that the total energy density of blackbody emission is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
1-3.Show that at very low values of v/T, Planck's formula reduces to
This is the Rayleigh-Jeans formula, an unsuccessful, classically derived equation valid only for very low values of v/T. What is F(x) in the above formula? (Note: ex = 1 + x + x²/2! + x³/3! + . . ..)
1-4.Show that for high values of v/t, Planck's formula reduces to
This is Wien's formula, another unsuccessful, classically derived equation restricted to large values of v/T. What is F(x) in Wien's formula?
1-5.According to Fig. 1-1 the surface temperature of the sun is about 5700 °C (5973 K). Estimate λmax (in nm) of the sun.
1-6.The star Antares has a maximum emission wavelength of around 1160 nm. What is the surface temperature of this star, and how does its color compare with that of the sun?
1-7.Show that the Wien displacement law follows from the Planck blackbody equation. To do this, find the value of λ which represents a maximum in the distribution, i.e., solve dρv/dv = 0. Note that dv = cλ−2 dλ. You will find that the constant in the Wien equation is approximately hc/5k if you assume that v/T is very large.
If an electropositive metal such as cesium or potassium is used as a cathode (negative potential relative to a plate), illumination of this cathode with light of a suitable frequency (usually in the visible or ultraviolet regions) causes a flow of electrons from cathode to plate—the photoelectric effect.³ However, for each given metal, there is a characteristic wavelength (a threshold value) above which the effect ceases. It is found that the more electropositive the cathode metal, the longer the wavelength one can use to produce the effect; the alkali metals respond quite well to visible light. Figure 1-2 shows an arrangement which is capable of producing a continuous photocurrent.
Although the magnitude of the photocurrent is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light, early investigators were puzzled to discover that the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons depended only on frequency and was completely independent of the light intensity. Classical mechanics failed to explain this anomalous result. According to the classical wave theory of light, radiant energy should be distributed continuously and uniformly over the entire wave front. How, then, is it that only one electron out of millions gathers together enough energy to be emitted? Furthermore, since the photocurrent begins virtually instantaneously upon illumination, there appears to be insufficient time for a single electron to accumulate enough energy from a uniform wave source.
In 1905, Albert Einstein, then a low-paid patent clerk in Switzerland, suggested an extension of Planck's quantum ideas which accounted for the details of the photoelectric effect. Einstein postulated that the radiant energy itself is quantized; i.e., radiation consists of particles,
or quanta (named photons by G. N. Lewis in 1926) with an energy hv (this is just the energy units which a blackbody emits or absorbs). Assuming that the electrons in a metal behave like an electron gas
moving freely within the metal, the photon energy hv would be used to overcome the attraction of the electron to the bulk of the metal and, if any energy were left over, to impart a kinetic energy to the freed electron. This is expressed in mathematical form as
The work function is the minimum work needed to remove an electron from the metal; that is, ϕ is an ionization energy of bulk metal. Einstein's model further implies that the work function is related to the threshold frequency v0 by
Schematic representation of an apparatus for observing the photoelectric effect. When light illuminates the cathode K (made of the metal to be studied), a photocurrent flows from it to the plate (anode) P and is indicated on the sensitive galvonometer G.
Because of difficulties with obtaining and maintaining scrupulously uncontaminated metal surfaces, Einstein's model remained experimentally unverified for a decade. Then in 1916, the American physicist Robert Millikan overcame the experimental difficulties by working with freshly exposed metal surfaces in vacuum atmospheres. The maximum kinetic energies of the photoelectrons were determined by measuring the minimum electrostatic potential V may be equated to V0e (e is the charge on an electron—first measured by Millikan), and the Einstein equation may be rewritten
The correctness of Einstein's model was indicated when Millikan's measurements showed that a plot of V0e as a function of frequency produced a straight line of slope h—the same slope resulting for each different cathode material used. Furthermore, the intercept on the frequency axis produced the threshold frequency v0, which differed from metal to metal. These results are illustrated in Fig. 1-3.
Although Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1726) had long ago suggested that light was corpuscular in nature, he was never able to support this idea with concrete evidence and, in fact, found that such a supposition led to certain embarrassingly incorrect predictions about how light behaved. Yet, Einstein's model also suggests a corpuscular nature for light. According to Einstein, the rest mass m0 of a photon is zero, but since it travels with the speed of light, the requirements of special relativity (another invention
of Einstein, the patent clerk) attribute to it a nonzero rest mass m. The energy of the photon can then be written
Millikan s verification of the Einstein photoelectric equation. The slope h is the same for all metals, but the threshold frequency, v0, differs from metal to metal. Metal A is the more electropositive metal of the two shown above.
where p = mc is the linear momentum of the photon. Equating the third and fifth terms, one obtains
This very important equation suggests that light has a dual nature; i.e., light of experimentally measurable wavelength A sometimes behaves as if it has a particlelike momentum h/λ accompanying it.
1-8.What wavelength (in nm) must a photon have in order to eject an electron from sodium metal [work function 2.28 electronvolts (eV)] with a maximum kinetic energy of 1 eV? What is the maximum (limiting) wavelength a photon can have and still eject an electron from sodium metal?
1-9.Repeat the above problem for tungsten (work function 4.5 eV).
1-10.Light of wavelength 552 nm or greater will not eject photoelectrons from a potassium surface.
(a)What is the threshold frequency v0 of potassium?
(b)What is the work function (in eV) of potassium?
(c)What is the kinetic energy [in joules (J) and eV] of photoelectrons emitted by light of wavelength 300 nm from potassium metal?
(d)What value of the retardation potential [in volts (V)] does the kinetic energy in part (c) correspond to?
When a gaseous element is energetically excited so that it emits radiation, the emitted radiation—when passed through a prism—is found to consist of a series of well-defined lines (called the spectrum of the element), each associated with a different wavelength. When the excitation is carried out by heating to incandescence in a flame (arc spectrum), the spectra are found to be associated with neutral atoms, but if the excitation is more energetic, e.g., due to a high-voltage electrical discharge or spark, the resulting spectrum (spark spectrum) is found to be associated with ionized atoms. Thus, the spark spectrum of sodium vapor, assumed to be that of the ion Na+, is the same as that observed when an ionic salt such as NaCl is heated in a flame. Furthermore, the same type of spectrum is emitted by a neutral atom of a given atomic number Z as is emitted by singly ionized atoms of atomic number Z +1, by doubly ionized atoms of atomic number Z + 2, etc. The principal difference is that corresponding spectral lines have higher frequencies the higher the atomic number of the emitting species. Thus, H and He+ have similar spectra, but the He+ lines always occur at higher frequency than do the corresponding H lines. The spectra of He and Li+, Be²+, and B³+, etc., are related in the same manner.
The line spectrum of the hydrogen atom, H, is obtained by subjecting low-pressure molecular hydrogen, H2, to a high-voltage discharge (in a Plücker tube), as illustrated in Fig. 1-4. The discharge not only atomizes the molecular hydrogen but also excites the atoms energetically so that they emit radiation. This spectrum—the atomic hydrogen spectrum— is the simplest spectrum known.
Classical mechanics provides a very simple (but incorrect) explanation for the appearance of discrete values of v in atomic spectra: The electrons in an atom carry out periodic motions confined to a definite region of space, and, hence, the emission frequencies should occur as integral multiples of some fundamental vibrational frequency v0. But even the simplest case, the hydrogen atom (with only a single electron), shows that the pattern of emission frequencies is quite different from the classical prediction.
In 1885 a German schoolmaster, J. J. Balmer, found that the positions of the spectral lines of atomic hydrogen appearing in the visible and nearultraviolet regions could be fitted empirically by a very simple formula:
where A = 364.56 nm, and m is 3, 4, 5, or 6. Balmer's formula was generalized subsequently by Rydberg in 1896 and by Ritz in 1908 to accommodate newly discovered spectral lines in the ultraviolet and infrared regions. The modern form, called the Balmer-Rydberg-Ritz formula, is
(the reciprocal wavelength) is called the wave number (a quantity favored by many spectroscopists in lieu of wavelength or frequency),⁴ and R (equal to 4/A) is called the Rydberg constant (empirical value of 109,677.8 cm−1). When n2 = m and n1 = 2, Eq. (1-12) reduces to the original Balmer formula. If n1 is assigned integral values from unity upward (with n2 also an integer but larger than n1), one can represent all the known regions of the atomic hydrogen spectrum with high accuracy.
Schematic representation of the spectrum of atomic hydrogen as observed from a gas discharge tube. The Plücker tube contains molecular hydrogen gas, H2, at low pressure. The lines shown belong to the Balmer series.
The Balmer-Rydberg-Ritz formula can be put into the alternative form
where Ti (i = 1 or 2) is called a term and is defined by
This shows that the entire spectrum of atomic hydrogen can be represented as a difference between pairs of terms. Rydberg found that the spectra of many other atoms, e.g., the alkali metals, could be approximated fairly well by differences between modified terms of the form
where α
are two observed frequencies in the spectrum of a given atom, then T2 − T4 and T1 − T
, respectively. Thus one can write
. These relationships are depicted graphically in Fig. 1-5.
The Rydberg-Ritz combination principle for a hypothetical atom. The relationships reflect the quantum energy levels of the atom.
It is quite apparent that although the spectral patterns appear to be rather simple, they nevertheless do not feature integral multiples of a fundamental vibrational frequency as predicted by classical mechanics.
About 1910, Rutherford, Geiger, and Marsden of the University of Manchester (England) bombarded a piece of gold foil with α particles and analyzed the angular distribution of the deflected particles. Rutherford concluded that the atom was mostly empty space—a small, dense, positively charged nucleus containing most of the atom's mass, surrounded by negative electrons. The major difficulty with the model was that it appeared to be impossible for such an organization of oppositely charged particles to be stable. If, on the one hand, the electrons were motionless (relative to the nucleus), Coulomb's law predicts that the entire assembly should collapse as the unlike charges attracted each other. On the other hand, if the electrons were in orbital motion about the nucleus (as the planets orbit the sun), stability could be achieved—except that Maxwell's electrodynamic equations predicted that accelerating charges would lose energy by radiation. Hence, the orbiting electrons would quickly spiral into the nucleus, analogous to the way earth satellites respond to atmospheric drag and ultimately spiral into the earth (that's why Skylab I crashed into Australia).
In 1913 the Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who had recently returned to Denmark after working with Rutherford, proposed a bold, novel solution to the stability dilemma and, furthermore, provided a model for the Balmer-Rydberg-Ritz formula. Since Bohr's original approach is somewhat awkward to follow (and is incorrect by today's theories), it is presented here in what might be called a cleaned-up
First, assume that Maxwell's electrodynamic laws do not apply at the subatomic level (after all, these laws were designed to describe ultraatomic phenomena) so that there is no concern about the electrodynamic stability of electrons orbiting the nucleus. In short, electrons are assumed to exist indefinitely in their nucleus-circling paths without losing energy by radiation. Next, consider only the simplest case, the hydrogen atom (or any ion with only a single electron), so that one has to deal only with the rotational motion of a single proton (or other nucleus) and a single electron moving about their mutual center of mass (see Fig. 1-6). The total energy of the hydrogen atom is
The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom. The angular momentum (L = r × p) is a vector quantity perpendicular to the plane defined by the vectors r and p. The center of mass is actually very close to the center of the proton since the proton is so much more massive than the electron (by a factor of over 1800). In a similar fashion, the earth and moon revolve about a point located approximately 4800 km from the earth's center.
given by the classical expression
The rotational kinetic energy is
where μ is the reduced mass of the system given by
(me = mass of the electron; mn = mass of the nucleus) and v is the electron orbital velocity.⁶ The coulombic potential energy is
where Z is the atomic number (Z = l for H, but the model is also valid for one-electron ions such as He+, Li²+, etc.), e is the charge on an electron, and r is the proton-electron distance. The quantity K represents the reciprocal of 4π∈0 where ∈0 is the permittivity of free space; K's numerical value is unity in electrostatic units but 8.98755 × 10⁹ ⋅ m ⋅ C−2 in SI units. If we combine Eqs. (1-18) and (1-20), the total energy becomes
The unobservable quantities v and r can be eliminated by use of two additional relationships: one a well-known classical law and the other a novel quantum postulate. The classical relationship is that the electrostatic force (Ze²K/r²) between the nucleus and the electron produces a centripetal (center-seeking) acceleration, resulting in a circular path. The corresponding centripetal force (μv²/r) then satisfies
The quantum postulate (which Bohr did not use explicitly in his original paper) is that the orbital angular momentum of the system is quantized, i.e.,
where h/2π . If Eqs. (1-22) and (1-23) are solved simultaneously for r and v, one obtains
Substituting the relationships in Eq. (1-24) into Eq. (1-21) and simplifying, one obtains
where n = 1,2,3,... . The subscript on E arises because each different value of n (called a quantum number) leads to a different energy value; i.e., the total energy of the hydrogen is predicted to be quantized. The quantity aH is called the first Bohr radius; it has a numerical value of about 5.29 × 10−11 m (0.529 A or 52.9 pm) for the H atom; for other ions one must take into account the variation due to a changed reduced mass.
The lowest possible energy of the hydrogen atom (the ground-state energy) occurs when n = 1. The negative of this energy, –E1 should represent the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom. The calculated value of –E1 is 13.605 eV (2.1798 × 10−18 J), which agrees with the experimental value.
To obtain the Balmer-Rydberg-Ritz formula, Bohr assumed that absorption or emission of radiation involves transition from one quantum state of the atom to another. For transitions between two states whose quantum numbers are n2 and n1 (where n2 > n1), the energy difference is assumed to satisfy a condition similar to that satisfied by the blackbody emitters of Planck, namely,
where v is the frequency of the emitted or absorbed radiation. This relationship implies that emission involves the production of photons of energy hv and that absorption of a photon can occur only if the photon has an energy corresponding to a ΔE given by Eq. (1-27). Using the above along with Eq. (1-26) produces the Balmer-Rydberg-Ritz formula
in which the Rydberg constant is identified as
Figure 1-7 shows an energy-level diagram for the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom along with the origins of some of the spectral series.
Although the Bohr model is in very close agreement with many experimentally observed features of one-electron systems, e.g., H, He+, Li²+, Be³+ (and presumably U⁹¹+), it does not account for the fine structure of the spectral lines. For example, what appears to be a single spectral line under low resolution turns out to be several closely spaced lines under higher resolution. Worse still, the Bohr theory is totally incapable of accounting for the spectral details of atoms with more than one electron. However, the Bohr model does suggest that the energies of all atoms are quantized and that the spectral lines arise from transitions governed by Eq. (1-27). The fundamental deficiency in the model is that, except for the special case of hydrogen, it cannot predict numerical values for the individual energies of the state involved in the transitions.
Energy-level diagram for the hydrogen atom based on the Bohr model. The Lyman series occurs in the ultraviolet, the Balmer in the visible and near ultraviolet, the Paschen in the infrared, and the Brackett also in the infrared. Another infrared series, the Pfund series, begins with ni = 5 but is not shown.
1-11. , where ri is the distance of the mass mi
, where re and rp are as shown in Fig. 1-6 and μ is the reduced mass. Hint: mere = mprp.
1-12.The Balmer series of the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom includes all transitions ending up at n = 2. Calculate the energy (in joules and electronvolts) of the Balmer transition of wavelength 486.13 nm, and determine the n quantum number of the emitting state.
1-13.Calculate the Bohr-model value for the second ionization energy of helium, i.e., the minimum energy required for the process
The experimental value is 54.403 eV.
1-14.The total electronic energy of an atom equals the sum of its successive ionization energies. If the first and second ionization energies of lithium are 5.39 and 75.619 eV, respectively, use the Bohr model to calculate the total electronic energy of lithium. The experimental value is –203.428 eV.
1-15.Calculate the wavelength (in nm) and frequency (in s×1 and cm−1) of the hydrogen atom emission line arising from n = 10 and n = 3 states. This is a line in the Paschen series. Repeat for He+.
1-16.The Brackett series of hydrogen contains all transitions having a lower state of n = 4. What is the longest wavelength (in nm) of emission lines in this series? (This is called the series limit.)
1-17.How would the Balmer series spectrum for deuterium differ from that of ordinary (light) hydrogen? The deuterium isotope was first detected through observation of this difference.
1-18.The wavelengths of the very intense yellow lines appearing in the emission spectrum of sodium vapor are 589.0 and 589.6 nm. What is the energy difference (in electronvolts and joules) between the two quantum states implied by these two lines, and what is the energy of each state relative to the ground state of sodium?
Before 1920 the corpuscular nature of electrons appeared to be well established. The most convincing arguments for this view were based on the following empirical observations:
1.Deflection of cathode rays by electric and magnetic fields and the subsequent measurement of an e/m ratio for electrons
2.Determination of the charge (and, hence, the mass) of an electron by Millikan's oil-drop experiment
3.Demonstration that electron velocities are not uniform in a given medium
4.Observation of electron tracks in cloud chambers.
Furthermore, even the Bohr quantum model of the hydrogen atom appeared to support the concept of a corpuscular electron orbiting the nucleus.
In 1924, the French physicist Louis de Broglie wondered if the particlelike nature of light—as suggested by Einstein's treatment of the photoelectric effect—might not imply a reciprocal behavior on the part of corpuscular matter, i.e., did electrons (and other particles) exhibit a wave nature? De Broglie noted that in a broad sense, all natural phenomena involve just two entities: matter (described by mechanics) and radiation (described by electromagnetic wave theory). Since it was known that symmetry often played an important role in natural phenomena, why not expect matter and radiation to exhibit symmetry with respect to their behaviors? De Broglie began by noting that there are certain rather striking analogies between classical mechanics and geometric optics. For example, the trajectory of a particle is analogous to the path of a light ray, and the potential of a particle (a function of position) is analogous to the refractive index (also a function of position). Furthermore, there are two very important principles of mechanics and optics which are remarkably analogous. In mechanics there is the principle of de Maupertuis (principle of least action) which states that the integral
over the trajectory of a particle is a minimum. Similarly, in optics there is the principle of Fermat (principle of least time) which states that the integral
(where n is the refractive index) over the path of a ray is a minimum. De Broglie then showed that waves which follow the same trajectory as the particle with which they are associated must satisfy the relationship
which is just the Einstein relationship Eq. (1-10) but now with an expanded significance. This relationship establishes a hitherto unsuspected bridge between optics and mechanics and, more importantly, accounts for certain quantum phenomena. As noted earlier, Eq. (1-32) is compatible with the corpuscular nature of light (photons); it also accounts for the quantization of angular momentum appearing in the Bohr model of the one-electron atom and, thereby, modifies the concept of a purely corpuscular electron orbiting the nucleus.
De Broglie representation of an electron in a Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom. The wave on the left is out of phase with itself after 2π radians and will decay by destructive interference. The wave on the right contains an integral number of wavelengths and represents a stable standing wave.
As pointed out by de Broglie, the electron in a stable Bohr orbit may be regarded as a standing wave (otherwise it would destroy itself by destructive interference) and thus must consist of an integral number of wavelengths (see Fig. 1-8). This condition may be written
Substituting for λ from Eq. (1-32) and rearranging leads to
which is just the Bohr quantum condition Eq. (1-23).
Experimental verification of de Broglie's matter waves (as they are often called) was first provided in 1927 when two Bell Laboratories scientists, C. Davisson and L. H. Germer, bombarded the surface of a nickel crystal with a beam of electrons and found that these were diffracted like x-rays by a crystal lattice. Furthermore, using the Bragg equation and the known crystal spacings of nickel to calculate the apparent wavelength of the electrons led to a value in excellent agreement with that required by the duality relationship Eq. (1-32).
1-19.Calculate the de Broglie wavelength (in nm) of an electron having an energy of
(a) leV (b) 100 eV (c) 10,000 eV
Note: Kinetic energy = mv²/2 = p²/2m.
1-20.An electron is traveling at one-fourth the speed of light. Neglecting the relativistic change in mass, what is its de Broglie wavelength?
How does the result change when the relativistic change in mass is taken into account? Note , where m0 is the rest mass.
1-21.A hydrogen atom has a kinetic energy corresponding to a temperature of 300 K. Would a beam of such atoms be diffracted by a crystal lattice with spacings on the order of 0.1 to 0.2 nm? Explain.
1-22.What accelerating voltage is needed to give an electron a de Broglie wavelength of 0.1 nm?
1-23.Compare the de Broglie wavelengths of the following:
(a)A 60-kg man walking at a rate of 100m⋅min−1.
(b)An electron moving at 1 percent the speed of light.
In which case, if either, is the dual nature an important feature of the motion?
Although a discussion of the uncertainty principle is chronologically out of order at this point, a preliminary view will be of value in the study of modern quantum theory as presented in Chap. 2.
Taking wave-particle duality into account, let us consider representing a particle by a superposition of waves. Consider first the case of a single particle, free to move anywhere in space. If the particle is not localized at all, it may be represented by one wave with wavelength λ (Fig. 1-9). In this case the momentum of the particle (p = h/λ) is known precisely, but the position (x) of the particle is completely unknown.
Now consider the opposite extreme; if one uses a superposition of all possible wavelengths from λ = 0 to λ = infinity, the waves can be made to reinforce at some definite value of x and be zero everywhere else (Fig. 1-9). In this case the position x is known precisely, but the momentum p is completely unknown.
In the general case, a finite number of waves of varying λ are superposed to form a pulse—a train of waves of finite length Δx. If one wants to have zero
The uncertainty principle as a consequence of wave-particle duality.
amplitude outside the region of the pulse then it is necessary that
where Δx
) in the group.⁷ Using the de Broglie relationship Eq. (1-32), one can write
Substitution of this relationship into Eq. (1-35) and rearrangement produces
This relationship, first proposed by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927, is called the uncertainty principle.⁸ Although regarded by many as the hallmark of modern quantum theory, it is probably the strangest and most controversial principle of that theory.⁹
There are alternative ways of deducing the uncertainty relations. Heisenberg himself showed that they arise as an unavoidable conseque ice of using radiation to observe the trajectory of a moving particle; the very act of measurement disturbs a state
or destroys
it so that a precise, simultaneous measurement of p and x is impossible. Thus, any attempt to reduce Δx (say, by using radiation of smaller wavelength, i.e., greater resolution) will impart a more energetic kick
to a particle, thereby making Δp larger. Conversely, using a larger wavelength to reduce Δp will ruin the resolving power and increase Δx.
A more philosophical way of viewing the uncertainty principle is as follows: The nature of the world within the submicroscopic atom is not directly observable—we deduce it on the basis of highly indirect evidence and then proceed to describe it in terms which were invented on the basis of experience with the macroscopic world. Consequently, it is hardly surprising that classical quantities such as position and momentum—so intuitively natural for the description of large particles which we can see—have decreased suitability for describing the physics of the subatomic world. Thus, the uncertainty principle serves as a warning device—a red flag, so to speak—telling us that if we insist on carrying macroscopic terms into the world of the atom, then we must agree on some restrictions as to how those concepts must be used—lest we are led to nonsense statements. As the British geneticist J. B. S. Haldane so aptly stated, the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose… .
1-24.The momentum of the electron in a given state of the H atom is given by p² = 2mE, where E is the energy needed to ionize the atom in that state (E= –E , and estimate the minimum
of the atom in its ground state. Compare this with the value of the first Bohr orbit aH.
1-25.What would be the effect on the way the universe behaves if the following conditions were imposed?
(a)Planck's constant was made very, very small, i.e., approaching zero.
(b)Planck's constant was made very, very large, i.e., approaching infinity.
Condon, E. U.: 60 Years of Quantum Physics,
Phys. Today, October 1962, p. 37. An unusually interesting historical account by one of the pioneering contributors to quantum theory.
Jammer, M.: The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. Contains references to original articles and traces the development of quantum ideas in great detail.
¹ Quoted by O. W. Greenberg, American Scientist, July-August 1988, p. 361. See also comments in Phys. Today, April 1968, p. 56; August 1968, pp. 9, 11 and January 1969, p. 9.
² In actuality, Planck did not quantize the individual oscillators but assumed that the total energy possessed at equilibrium by all oscillators in the frequency range v to v + dv equals a multiple of hv. See T. S. Kuhn, Black-Body Radiation and the Quantum Discontinuity , but this is of no consequence in the present context.
³ This phenomenon was discovered accidentally by Heinrich Hertz in 1887 while he was attempting to furnish experimental support for some of the electromagnetic waves (radio waves) predicted by Maxwell's theory.
⁴ Both v (which are directly proportional to each other) are sometimes referred to as frequencies. Sometimes the former is called the wave-number frequency or the frequency in wave numbers (the most commonly used unit). Context generally suffices to avoid confusion between the two.
⁵ Arguments against the use of the cleaned-up version have been given by B. L. Haendler, J. Chem. Ed., 59:372 (1982). Summaries of the various approaches Bohr actually used are given by M. Jammer (see the suggested readings at the end of this chapter).
⁶ Strictly speaking, v is the velocity that a single particle of mass μ must have in order to have the same moment of inertia as the electron-nucleus system.
is the uncertainty in the number of waves in the pulse whose width is Δx.
⁸ The original name used by Heisenberg was the unsharpness
principle (Unshärfeprinzip). Later the name was changed to the less appropriate uncertainty
principle (Unsicherheitsrelation).
⁹ For example, Einstein refused to accept the uncertainty principle as a legitimate, indispensable part of quantum theory. From time to time Einstein would present a new proof
that the uncertainty principle was false, only to have his proof
refuted by Bohr.
¹⁰ J. B. S. Haldane, Possible Worlds, Chatto & Windus, London, 1930.
Although the Bohr theory is unable to account for the quantum states of atoms with more than one electron, Bohr and his coworkers nevertheless managed to obtain many valuable insights into some of the salient features that a more general quantum theory must possess. In particular, Bohr introduced and made extensive use of the correspondence principle, which recognized that the complete laws of quantum mechanics—whatever they might be—must reduce to classical laws under the limiting conditions for which the latter were known to be valid. By clever use of this principle, it is possible to predict the relative intensities of many spectral lines and to begin a classification of hitherto apparently jumbled spectra. Nevertheless, the approach is inherently unsatisfactory, since it admits of no definite methodology and depends strongly on intuition. The present chapter introduces the basic relationships and rules which permit comprehensive, methodical explanations of quantum phenomena.
The reader who is unfamiliar with operator algebra, simple vectors, complex numbers, and classical wave motion—or who wishes to review one or more of these areas—should consult the appropriate appendix or appendixes.
The existence of matter waves suggests the existence of a wave equation describing them. Such a wave equation was first proposed by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1926. One of the most striking features of this equation is that it leads to quantum numbers naturally; i.e., there is no need to assume them a priori as Planck and Bohr found it necessary to do.
Whereas de Broglie (Sec. 1-5) was led to wave-particle duality on the basis of a restricted analogy between optics and mechanics, Schrödinger greatly extended the scope of the analogy and developed an equation which provided a general description of quantum phenomena. Schrödinger reasoned that the most characteristic feature of waves was their interference behavior, and thus it ought to be possible to begin with the classical wave equation itself and with it construct a bridge beginning at wave optics and leading to a general wave mechanics capable of accounting for quantum phenomena. An overview of the conceptual design is shown in the block diagram of Fig. 2-1.
Restricting our treatment to one dimension for the present, the classical wave equation is
where Ψ = Ψ(x, t), the amplitude in classical theory, remains undefined in the present context. A solution to this equation which is general enough to include the interference characteristics of waves is
where C is a constant, and a is the phase, given by
The Schrödinger equation as an extension of de Broglie's analogy between optics and mechanics.
Let us now seek another differential equation having solutions of the form in Eq. (2-2) but with the additional requirement that this equation reflect the two most important quantum relationships hitherto known, namely, wave-particle duality and the quantization of radiation. Using de Broglie's relationship Eq. (1-32) for λ and the Planck-Bohr quantum relationship for ν, the phase becomes
Differentiating Ψ once with respect to t, one obtains
This may be rearranged to
Next, we try to replace E with an expression containing the derivative of Ψ with respect to x. Differentiating Ψ once with respect to x leads to
which may be rearranged to
The latter equation may be interpreted as an operator equation in which the x /i)∂/∂x (see App. 4 for a discussion of operator algebra). For a system of mass m with a conservative potential V(x) the total energy is given by
An operator representation of E, based on the operator representation of Px, is
depends on the particular system. Now we can rewrite Eq. (2-6) in the operator form
This is the Schrödinger wave equation in its one-dimensional form. Its ultimate justification resides not in the admittedly vague and questionable method used here to obtain it but in how well its solutions are able to describe quantum phenomena in nature.
The Schrödinger wave equation is readily generalized to three dimensions by replacing ∂²/∂x² with the laplacian operator
The circumflex ^ is customarily omitted for certain well-known operators such as ∇² and V(x) or obvious operators involving derivatives. The obvious notational changes
are also employed.
Even before Schrödinger's discovery of the wave equation (2-11), the German physicist Werner Heisenberg developed an alternative formulation of quantum theory based on the Bohr correspondence principle; this formulation is known as matrix mechanics.¹ Heisenberg's matrix mechanics at first escaped attention because its matrix form was unfamiliar to physicists of the time, but it was later shown to be equivalent to Schrödinger's wave mechanics.
In dealing with systems composed of a large number of particles, classical mechanics has to resort to various statistical methods, e.g., probability theory, in order to obtain useful predictive relationships. This necessarily arises from the practical difficulty of knowing the initial coordinates and momenta of all parts of the system. Quantum systems also require a probabilistic description— but for a fundamentally different reason: the uncertainty principle precludes predictive laws involving precisely known coordinates and momenta at any time.
Classical statistics makes use of a probability distribution function P(x) which is positive definite and defined such that P(x)dx is the probability that the variable x, which can take on any real value, lies between x and x + dx. The mean value (or expectation value) of x is given by
provided P(x) is first normalized as follows:
The mean value of x is the average of the values one would expect to find after a large number of repeated measurements.² Normalization of P(x) to unity means simply that we are using zero to unity as the numerical range of the probability; a probability of zero means no chance at all, and a probability of unity means absolute certainty.³
If we assume for the moment a simple one-dimensional system consisting of a single particle described by Ψ(x, t), the quantum description replaces P(x) not with Ψ(x, t) as one might first guess, but with Ψ*Ψ(we will suppress the variables x and t for notational convenience) where Ψ* is the complex conjugate of Ψ. This difference arises because, in general, Ψ is a complexvalued function and the probability density must be real. Note that Ψ*Ψ = ΨΨ* = |Ψ|². In three dimensions, |Ψ(x, y, z, t)|² becomes the probability distribution function (or probability density), and the probability of a particle's having an x coordinate between x and x + dx, a y coordinate between y and y + dy, and a z coordinate between z and z + dz at the time t is given by
The mean value at a given time t of some property f, which depends only on the coordinates, is given by
where it is assumed by analogy with Eq. (2-15) that
In the case that f also depends on the momenta (which, in turn, involve differential operators), the mean value (or expectation value) of f is given by
is the operator representation of the property f. All of this will be discussed more thoroughly in the sections following. Note especially that in Eq. (2-19) the operator is sandwiched between Ψ and its complex conjugate; there is no analogy to this in classical statistics.
We now consider an important posulate: For every isolated system there exists a mathematical function of the coordinates and the time. Ψ(x, y, z, t) such that this function contains encoded within itself all possible meaningful information about the state of the system, including any intrinsic uncertainties. We call Ψ(x, y, z, t) the wavefunction or state function of the system. The system wavefunction must, of course, be obtained as a solution to the Schrödinger wave equation (2-11).
It should be noted that, in general, the matter waves of de Broglie are distinct from the waves
suggested by solutions to Schrödinger's equation. The matter waves of de Broglie are three-dimensional, even for a system of N particles, whereas the Schrödinger waves are 3N-dimensional. The matter waves have a rather simple intuitive physical interpretation; they provide a guide for the system. By contrast, the highly abstract Schrödinger waves are the system. In some ways the Schrödinger waves are like 3N-dimensional complex vibrational modes of a continuum (system), and, thereby, they do have a classical analogy. The vibrational motions of a solid consisting of N atoms can be viewed in three-dimensional space, but lagrangian mechanics (an extension of Newton's laws of motion) treats the entire motion in a coordinates space of 3N dimensions.
(2-1).The probability that a variable x has a value betweeen −x and x is given by P(x) = Ne–ax² where a is a positive constant. Show that N when P(x) is normalized (to unity). Sketch the appearance of P(x) as a function of x. Where do the points of inflection occur?
(2-2).Use the results of Exercise 2-1 to find the mean value of x. Does the result make intuitive sense? Repeat for the mean value of x x
(2-3).How is the expression for the average energy given in Exercise 1-1 related to Eq. (2-14)?
The Schrödinger equation is often written in the abbreviated form
is a symbol for the operator
is called the hamiltonian operator or, simply, the hamiltonian. Its name comes from Hamilton's equations of classical mechanics which employ an analogous function used to generalize Newton's laws of motion.⁴ For conservative systems, the classical hamiltonian H represents the total energy of the system.
Let us investigate a partial solution of the Schrödinger equation by use of the technique of separation of variables. We seek a particular solution of Eq. (2-20) having the form
or, to simplify the notation,
Substituting Eq. (2-22) into Eq. (2-20) produces
operates only on ψ (it contains x, y, and z but not t), and since ∂/∂t operates only on ϕ, we may rewrite Eq. (2-23) as
Dividing both sides by ψϕ we obtain
The left-hand side of the expression is a function of x, y, and z, but it equals the right-hand side, which is a function of t alone! This is noncontradictory only if neither side is a variable, i.e., each equals a common constant. Letting W represent this constant (called the separation constant), we can replace Eq. (2-25) with the two separate equations
Note that Eq. (2-27) is an ordinary differential equation, and thus partial differentiation notation is dropped. This equation is solved by rearrangement followed by integration. One form of the solution is
Since |ϕ|² = ϕ*ϕ = eiWt/ e−iWt/H = 1, the total probability distribution function is
which is time-independent. This means that the particular solution seen in Eq. (2-22) represents physical situations in which the probability density does not vary with time. Thus, we conclude that Eq. (2-26), the time-independent Schrödinger equation, represents stationary states of the system.
Equations (2-26) and (2-27) are of the general form
where  is an operator, a is a constant, and f(q) is some function of the independent variable or variables q. Such equations are called eigenvalue equations; the constant a is called an eigenvalue of the operator Â, and f(q) is called an eigenfunction of the operator Â. In Eq. (2-26) the separation constant W is an eigenvalue of the hamiltonian operator. Since in classical mechanics the hamiltonian H represents the total energy of a conservative system, we shall identify W with E, the total energy of the system in one of its stationary states. Consequently, we rewrite the time-independent Schrödinger equation in the compact form
Equation (2-31) has a number of mathematical solutions; however, the only physically acceptable ones, corresponding to various values of the energy E, are those satisfying the following conditions:
1.ψ must be quadratically integrable; i.e., the integral ∫ … ∫ |ψ|² dτ over all configuration space must equal a finite number for a finite number of particles.⁵ Alternatively, one may say that ψ must vanish at the boundaries of the system.
2.ψ must be single-valued.
3.ψ must be continuous.
Wavefunctions satisfying the above conditions are said to be well-behaved. The well-behaved requirement has as its basis the physically reasonable expectation that |ψ|², since it represents a probability density, must lead to a finite total probability, must be continuous (as are classical probabilities), and must assign a single, unambiguous probability density to each point of the system.
Occasionally a fourth condition is required, namely
4. The gradient of ψ must be continuous. For the one-dimensional case, grad ψ(x) is given by
which has a higher degree of continuity than ψ(x) unless V(x) suddenly becomes infinite. As a general rule, potentials with this behavior are not encountered in nature, although we may occasionally employ models which have such infinite discontinuities.
The various solutions to the time-independent Schrödinger equation are designated by ψn(x), where n = 1, 2, 3, … and represents different stationary states. These solutions are an example of a complete set of functions. A set of functions is called complete if an arbitrary function of the same variables found in {ψn}, and satisfying the same restrictive conditions (e.g., square integrability) as {ψn}, can be expanded as
where the coefficients {ci} are, in general, complex.
A general solution to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (2-20) can be expressed as a linear combination of the stationary-state solutions [Eq. (2-22)]:
This does not, in general, represent a time-independent probability density. Note that Ψ enables one to represent the motion of a particle as a wave packet, i.e., a superposition of waves such that the particle is to some extent localized. However, as more and more waves are superposed (to make Δx smaller), the wavelength λ (and hence the momentum) becomes more uncertain. This is just the uncertainty principle discussed in (Sec. 1-6).
(2-4).Solve the classical wave equation (2-1) by assuming the separation of variables ψ(x, t) = f(x)g(t) and letting −ω² be the separation constant. Show that g(t) = e−iωt is a solution to the time-dependent equation.
(2-5).Show that Eq. (2-28) also satisfies the time-dependent equation in Exercise 2-4.
(2-6).Substitute ϕ = e−iωt (see Exercise 2-4) into the classical wave equation (2-1), set ω = 2πν and λ = h/p, and show that the time-independent Schrödinger equation (2-26)
Source: https://www.scribd.com/book/271619847/Elementary-Quantum-Chemistry-Second-Edition
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